Pascal Rosier - Plastered Strips / Bands - 3m x 10cm - Bag of 2

The setting is fast, demolding: 15 minutes. Highly plastered, special for molding the body, the support fiber is completely embedded, accurate fingerprints. After immersion for a few seconds, the band imbibes homogeneously and the plaster can be modeled. The solidity is excellent even in small...

The setting is fast, demolding: 15 minutes. Highly plastered, special for molding the body, the support fiber is completely embedded, accurate fingerprints. After immersion for a few seconds, the band imbibes homogeneously and the plaster can be modeled. The solidity is excellent even in small thicknesses. Sold in packs of 2 strips of 3m x 10cm. Hardens in minutes. Modeling on frame, hulls, decorations and accessories, impressions on living model, fast molding. The grip is fast, very loaded with plaster, the support fiber is completely embedded, precise fingerprints. They can be sawn, cut, connected, painted or covered with resin. Recommended for making masks or draperies on objects or covering wire frames. They are also used for rapid holding shells on silicone membrane molds, latex, alginate. Reinforced and insulated, an impression in plastered bands can receive all the materials of prints: plaster, resins, elastomers. For latex molding, the printing must be quite dry and without release agent. In the case of molding the body, it must be done quickly and not be heavy, two pre-cut layers in the coupons are sufficient. The water of the second layer is tinted to avoid overloads and omissions. The impression thus obtained will be sufficiently strong but also flexible enough to extract the model easily, and then it will be reinforced and isolated before proceeding to the stamped or cast printing.